Fear: Trump in the White House

 Bob Woodward


Author: Bob Woodward

Country: United States

Original language: English

Subject: USA Presidents, American Politics and Government, Donald Trump

“In the recent, several books have been published in the past few years, with high circulations in the United States which some of these books raise the bar. I read one of these books which was translated into Persian; It is full of evidence of this decline; meaning, really [if] someone reads that book, [they see that] the beginning to the end of the book shows the political decline of the United States with the actions of the President of the United States.”

Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran


Book Description

Bob Woodward, who has documented research and documented reports about eight of the US presidents from Nixon to Obama, this time writes about Donald Trump; Unprecedented details of Trump’s tense life in the White House and his policies inside and outside the United States. Fear is the most documented narrative of Trump’s first year of presidency. Woodward has used hundreds of hours of interviews with first-hand sources, meeting reports, personal notes, government and private documents to write this book.

Part of the text describes the US foreign policy towards North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, the Middle East, NATO, China, and Russia. It also examines and evaluates some domestic policy challenges such as trade, tariffs, immigration, tax law, the Paris Agreement, and also the racial violence in Charlottesville.

The author recounts Trump’s character through his advisers and those around him; That he is capricious, nervous, illiterate and paranoid (a person with fear and suspicion) and they must constantly control him so that he does not act inappropriately! In the last paragraph, we read:

But in the man and his presidency Dowd had seen the tragic flaw. In the political back-and-forth, the evasions, the denials, the tweeting, the obscuring, crying “Fake News,” the indignation, Trump had one overriding problem that Dowd knew but could not bring himself to say to the president: “You’re a fucking liar.”



Bob Woodward

Investigative Journalist, Reporter

Nationality: American


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