The Magisterial History of America

Mohammad Sadegh Koushki


Author: Mohammad Sadegh Koushki

Country: Iran

Original language: Persian

Subject: American History, American Diplomacy


Book Description

The Magisterial History of America, unlike other history books is compiled and written in a different format; the author this time has addressed all the classes of the society to read this country’s prosperous history with a documentary, fluent and very humorous text along with attractive cartoons. Different parts of the book are illustrated below:

America and itself; American history review Ever since Christopher Columbus arrived on the continent and confronted the Indians, Black Slavery and American Civilization;

America and the Export of Human Rights and Democracy; Examining and evaluating some of the US actions in dealing with the countries of East Asia, Central Asia and its neighbors in the Americas;

America and our Parties; Explaining some of the US involvement in West Asia and Africa;

Iranian body and American sack; A partial description of the US presence in pre-revolutionary Iran and its conflicts with post-revolutionary Iran.


“The American history is really serious! In so serious, even the funny parts of it are serious too! … And naturally, joking with this very serious history isn’t an easy task! Americans, despite their appearance, are way too serious!”


“The slaves were placed in the special slave storages in ships. In floors which were like coffins and each one was only 50cm and every slave was chained to it; in a way that they couldn’t even roll over or sleep on the side and their feet and neck were also chained to the bottom of the storage…”



Mohammad Sadegh Koushki

Professor of the Department of Political Sciences and Law (Tehran University)

Nationality: Iranian


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